18. IT4SE Workshop, 20. June 2016
IT4SE Workshop at University Augsburg
Universität Augsburg
Chair: Human Centered Multimedia, Prof. André
Building N, room N2017
Universitätsstr. 6a
86159 Augsburg, Deutschland
20. June 2016, afternoon
- Finalising the 3D-Infokit paper
- IFIP TC 13 Working Group planning
- Planning of next activities, guest stay of Ida Buchwald at Waikato University
17th IT4SE Workshop, 18 February 2016
IT4SE Workshop at the University of Waikato, New Zealand
the University of Waikato, New Zealand
Computer Science Building, F.G Link 2.01
18th February, 2015, 12:00-17:00
12:00 | Lunch | |
13:00 | Welcome | Masood Masoodian (UW) |
13:15 | Waikato activities | Mark Apperley (UW), Masood Masoodian (UW) |
14:15 | Univ. Augsburg activities | Elisabetn Andrè (UA), Thomas Rist (HSA) |
15:15 | Coffee break | |
15:30 | Planning the FSEA workshop | all |
16:00 | IFIP WG 13.10 | all |
17:00 | Closing |
16. IT4SE Workshop, 18. November 2015
IT4SE Workshop at Hochschule Augsburg
Hochschule Augsburg
Building J, Room J413
Time: 18. November 2015, 14:00-17:00
14:00 | Welcome | Thomas Rist |
Establishment of the approaved IFIP Working Group 13.10 on Sustainability | Masood Masoodian | |
FSEA at AVI 2016, new expansion of FSEA: Fostering Sustainability through Effective Applications | all | |
Special Issue project | Elisabeth André | |
Planning of further activities and visits | Thomas Rist |
15. IT4SE Workshop, 22. September 2015
IT4SE Workshop at University Augsburg
Universität Augsburg
Chair: Human Centered Multimedia, Prof. André
Building N, room N2017
Universitätsstr. 6a
86159 Augsburg, Deutschland
22. September 2015, 2pm
14:00 | Welcome | Elisabeth André |
Follow-up on FSEA workshop, FSEA at AVI 2016 | all | |
Planning of Special Issue project | all | |
Proposalfor an IFIP TC 13 Working Group on Sustainability | Masood Masoodian | |
Planning of further activities and visits | Thomas Rist |
Workshop on Fostering Smart Energy Applications (FSEA 2015)
The workshop was held in conjunction with INTERACT 2015– 15 September – Bamberg, Germany
For more detail on the program see the workshop web-site FSEA 2015
14. IT4SE Workshop, 14 July 2015
IT4SE Workshop at the Univ. of Applied Sciences, Augsburg
Univ. of Applied Sciences, Augsburg
Computer Science Building, room J413
14. July 2015, 13:00-17:00
University of Waikato Sustainability Symposium, 24th February 2015
For details on the program see: Sustainability Symposium
the University of Waikato, New Zealand
S Block
24th February, 2015, 8:45 a.m – 5.45 p.m
13th IT4SE Workshop, 23 February 2015
IT4SE Workshop at the University of Waikato, New Zealand
the University of Waikato, New Zealand
Computer Science Building, F.G Link 2.01
23th February, 2015, 12:00-17:30
12:00 | Lunch | |
13:00 | Welcome | Masood Masoodian (UW) |
13:15 | Interactive solar panel simulation tool | Joris Suppers & Mark Apperley (UW) |
13:30 | Smart charging strategies for electric vehicles: A simulation approach | Paul Monagatti (UW) |
14:00 | The concept and implications of load shifting in household's appliance use | Patrick Ozoh (UW) |
14:30 | Waikato activities (Grid-lite, Gamification) | Mark Apperley (UW) |
15:00 | Trust-based decision making for energy-aware device management | Elisabetn Andrè (UA) |
15:30 | Univ. Augsburg activities | Elisabetn Andrè (UA) |
15:45 | Coffee break | |
16:00 | Interactive visualisation of energy related data & "timevis" demo | Thomas Rist (HSA) |
16:30 | HSA activities (Visioneum) | Thomas Rist (HSA) |
16:40 | Interact 2015 workshop, Special Issue on "Energy Visualization", 2015 Planning | All (Moderation, Masood Masoodian) |
17:30 | Closing |
12th IT4SE Workshop, 18 November 2014
Hochschule Augsburg / Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Friedberger Straße 2a, Room J413
86161 Augsburg
Starting Nov 18, 2014, 2pm
11th IT4SE Workshop, 06 June 2014
IT4SE Workshop at University of Augsburg, Germany
University of Augsburg
Lehrstuhl Human Centered Multimedia, Prof. André
Building N, Room N2017
Universitätsstr. 6a
86159 Augsburg, Germany
Starting at 10am, June 06, 2014
10:00 | Welcome | Thomas Rist (HSA) |
10:15 | Follow-up on FSEA workshop | Thomas Rist (HSA, Moderation) |
10:40 | Planning of Book/Journal project | Thomas Rist (HSA, Moderation) |
11:00 | Coffee break | |
11:15 | Presentation on "Smart Energy Research Laboratories at NEC" | Yoshiki Nakashima (NEC Japan) |
11:35 | Planning of final project period | Thomas Rist (HSA, Moderation) |
12:00 | End/closing | Thomas Rist (HSA, Moderation) |
12:30 | Lunch |
AVI Workshop on Fostering Smart Energy Applications through Advanced Visual Interfaces, May 27. 2014
The workshop was held in conjunction with AVI 2014– May 27-30, 2014 – Como (Italy)
For more detail see the workshop web-site FSEA 2014
10th IT4SE Workshop, 21 February, 2014
IT4SE Workshop at the University of Waikato, New Zealand
University of Waikato
Computer Science Building, F.G Link 2.01
13:00 | Welcome |
13:50 | IT4SE projects update |
Time‐pie and Time‐stack |
IPDS Grid planning tool |
14:00 | Invited presentations: |
Modelling electricity consumption |
Demand‐side management, update on recent work |
Update on recent V2G work |
15:00 | Coffee Break | |
15:30 | IT4SE planning - Posters for NERI conference - FSEA 2014 Workshop planning
16:30 | Closing |
9th IT4SE Workshop, 06. December 2013
IT4SE Workshop at University of Augsburg, Germany
Augsburg University
Lab for Human Centered Multimedia, Prof. André
N-Building, Room N2017
Universitätsstr. 6a
86159 Augsburg, Germany
Starting at 9:30 AM, Dec 06th, 2014
9:30 | Welcome | Thomas Rist |
9:45 | Presentation | Thomas Rist (HSA) |
10:00 | Presentation "TimeStack - Evolution of TimePie" | Birgit Endrass & René Bühling (UniA) |
10:40 | Presentation "Trust-based Decision-Making for Energy-Aware Device Management" | Stephan Hammer & Michael Wißner (UniA) |
11:00 | Coffee Break | |
11:15 | Presentation "A Usability Approach for Computer Forensics in Building Automation Systems" | Roman Wirth (HSA) |
11:35 | Presentation "Currently Addressed Challenges in Smart Building Security Research at Fraunhofer FKIE" | Steffen Wendzel (Univ. Bonn) |
12:00 | Lunch | |
13:00 | Planning Workshops Feb/Mar 2014 | Thomas Rist (Moderation) |
14:00 | Further planning of final project year | Thomas Rist (Moderation) |
15:00 | End |
8th IT4SE Workshop, 03. July 2013
IT4SE Workshop at the University of Applied Sciences in Augsburg, Germany
Hochschule Augsburg / Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Friedberger Straße 2a
86161 Augsburg
W-Building, Room W3.05
The workshop was open to visitors of the open research day of the computer science faculty. Workshop attendees were invited to visit the various demo booths, among which two were related to IT4SE.
13:00 | Welcome | Thomas Rist |
13:15 | Presentation and discussions at HSA project exhibition | |
15:00 | Time Pie Paper Presentation | Birgit Endraß |
15:30 | Discussion and future planning | Thomas Rist (moderation) |
16:30 | End |
7th IT4SE Workshop, 19. February 2013
IT4SE Workshop at the University of Waikato, NZ
The University of Waikato
Tuesday 19. February 2013
9:00‐13:00, FCMS meeting room
Prof. Rist presents revised versions of the simulation systems MicroGrid and Virtuelles Kraftwerk. The team headed by Prof. Dr. Mark Apperly presents recent work on Energy Monitoring, eMobility and mobile Storage.
9:00 | Welcome | Masood Masoodian |
9:15 | IT4SE update 2010 -2012 projects |
Thomas Rist |
10:00 | Recent Projetcs at Univ. Augsburg | Elisabeth André |
11:00 | Invited Presentations | Paul Monagatti Mohammed Alahmari |
12:00 | Discussion and planning for 2013/14 | Thomas Rist (moderation) |
6th IT4SE Workshop, 30. November 2012
Hochschule Augsburg
Friday, 30. November 2012.
Friedberger Straße 2a
86161 Augsburg
W-Gebäude, Raum W3.05
- 11:00 Welcome and IT4SE status report
(T. Rist -- Augsburg University of Applied Sciences) - 11:30 Development of the Micro Grid Simulator V2.0
(M. Lachenmayer -- Augsburg University of Applied Sciences - 12:30 Research reports from the team of the University of Augsburg
(B. Endrass, R. Bühling -- University of Augsburg) - 13:30 IT4SE report on building automation security
(S. Wendzel, B. Kahler -- Augsburg University of Applied Sciences) - 14:00 Diskussion and Future Planing
- 15:00 End
5th IT4SE Workshop, June 06., 2012
IT4SE Workshop at the University of Applied Sciences in Augsburg
Location:Hochschule Augsburg / Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Friedberger Straße 2a
86161 Augsburg
W-Building, Room W2.11
2-5 PM, June 6., 2012
Please notify us via eMail in case you plan to attend to the IT4SE workshop: Steffen.Wendzel1@hs-augsburg.de.Program:
Already commited speeches:- 14:00 Welcome
- 14:15 Prof. Thomas Rist: IT4SE status report
- 14:45 Christian Adler: A Simulation Tool for the Planning of Virtual Green Energy Plants
- 15:00 Dr. Masood Masoodian (University of Waikato): Research Topics at the University of Waikato, NZ
- 15:15 Steffen Wendzel: Security in building automation systems and the prevention of malicious data communication in building automation networks.
- 15:45 Steffen Wendzel: Usability Aspects of BAS Forensics
- 16:00 Benjamin Kahler: Machine Learning for BAS Intrusion Detection
- 16:15 Break
- 16:45 Robert Junklewitz: Development of a Secure Building Automation Middleware
- 17:00 Andreas Thomas: Towards Version 2 of the Microgrid Simulator
- 17:15 Prof. Elisabeth André (University of Augsburg): Supporting Energy Awareness using Virtual Adaptive Nature
- 17:45 Brainstorming (IT4SE future topics)
- 18:30 End
4th IT4SE Workshop, February 21., 2012
IT4SE Workshop at the University of Waikato
The University of Waikato
Dienstag, 21. Februar 2012.
9:00‐12:00, FCMS meeting room
In the context of the 4th IT4SE Workshop, a status report presentation was held by Prof. Dr. Thomas Rist. Prof. Dr. Mark Apperly presented his working group and informed the attendees about the current MSI call on minerals and energy.
9:00 | Welcome | Masood Masoodian |
9:05 | IT4SE update 2011 projects 2012 projects |
Thomas Rist |
9:30 | Invited Presentations | Paul Monagatti Majed Alrowaily |
9:30 | MSI proposal | Mark Apperley |
10:50 | Morning Tea | |
11:00 | IT4SE extension proposal | Thomas Rist |
12:00 | Lunch |
3rd IT4SE Workshop, November 25. 2011
Topic: Workshop on IT in Smart Energy Generation and Use
November 25. 2011
Raum W1.09
Hochschule Augsburg
This workshop will bring together a group from research and industry who share a common interest in applying information technology to the smart generation and efficient use of energy. The aim of the workshop is to scope out the field, establish what efforts are currently underway, and where further research and innovation is required. It is anticipated that it will lead to larger, more comprehensive meetings in the future. The Workshop is sponsored by the IT4SE project, funded by the German Ministry of Education and Science, which includes the University of Waikato as the NZ partner and the University of Augsburg as a local partner.
All participants will be given the opportunity to present a brief position statement.
Call for Workshop Proposals (English or German)
We encourage computer scientists as well as industry experts to submit their research and to attend to the workshop. The range of topics includes (but is not limited to):
- collective energy awareness
- ambient assisted living
- green IT
- green cities
- smart metering
- novel approaches and security in building automation
Please send us a short mail in case you will attent to the workshop. This is important for our sheduling.
11:00 - 11:20 | Welcome/Opening |
11:20 - 12:00 | IT4SE status report (including demos of finished projects, the introduction of the new lab and a summary of the latest publication) |
12:00 - 13:00 | Lunch break |
13:00 - 13:30 | Invited talk: "PeerEnergyCloud - Civil Marketplace for Trading With Renewable Energy", Dr. Boris Brandherm, DFKI Saarbrücken |
13:30 - 14:30 | Report on activities of the NZ group: Florian Reinhart: Designing a Tablet Interface for Effective Energy Usage Feedback Using Persuasive Technologies Michael Kugler: Designing a Control Interface for a Ubiquitous Smart Energy Environment Kevin Schlieper: Designing a Mobile Application for a Ubiquitous Smart Energy Environment Download the presentation slides |
14:30 - 14:45 | Coffee break |
14:45 - 16:00 | Brainstorming on themes for next project round |
16:00 | End of Workshop |
The workshop was held at the Department of Computer Science (Augsburg University of Applied Sciences) in Room Raum W1.09.
2nd IT4SE Workshop, February 22. 2011
Date and Location
February 22. 2011, 1-4 pm
Room BG.24
University of Waikato, NZ
Topic: Workshop on IT in Smart Energy Generation and Use
This workshop will bring together a group from research and industry who share a common interest in applying information technology to the smart generation and efficient use of energy. The aim of the workshop is to scope out the field, establish what efforts are currently underway, and where further research and innovation is required. It is anticipated that it will lead to larger, more comprehensive meetings in the future. The Workshop is sponsored by the IT4SE project, funded by the German Ministry of Education and Science, which includes the University of Waikato as the NZ partner, and is closely associated with the “Informed demand-side load management” project.
All participants will be given the opportunity to present a brief position statement.
For further information, contact
Dr Masood Masoodian, Department of Computer Science (masood@cs.waikato.ac.nz)
Professor Mark Apperley, Department of Computer Science (m.apperley@waikato.ac.nz)
1:00 |
Introduction and Welcome Mark Apperley, University of Waikato Thomas Rist, University of Applied Sciences, Augsburg |
1:10 |
Position statements Each participant will be invited to spend up to 3 minutes giving an overview of their interests and position on IT in Smart Energy Generation and Use. |
1:40 |
Discussion of current work and activity This session will be an open discussion which will include brief descriptions of participants' current and proposed activities. |
3:00 |
Afternoon tea |
3:20 |
Formulation of future plans The aim of this session is to document and identify (i) the range of interested parties (some will not be represented at the workshop), (ii) the scope of current and planned activities and projects, (iii) a research agenda, (iv) opportunities for future collaboration and meetings |
4:30 | Workshop close |
1st IT4SE Workshop, December 7. 2010
Date and Location
December 7. 2010, Augsburg, 1-6 pm
University of Applied Sciences Augsburg, Friedbergerstraße 2a, Room K1.01
Participation and Registration
Workshop participation is admission free.
Due to organisational reasons we would like to receive an indication of workshop participation via email to Steffen.Wendzel1@HS-Augsburg.DE
not later than Friday December 3. 2010
The aim of this workshop is to gather input for reference projects to be carried out under the umbrella of the IT4SE network. To this end the workshop program features a number of invited talks from representatives of companies with an interest in IT4SE related research areas.
13:00-13:30 | Opening and overview on the IT4SE initiative |
13:30-15:00 | Invited Talks |
"Mit Gebäudeautomation in bestehenden Gebäuden Energie sparen; Grundlagen und Realisierung" by Christian Schoeller, contronics GmbH Presentation Slides (PDF) |
Betriebsüberwachung und ertragsoptimierter Betrieb von PV-Anlagen (cancelled) by Markus Förg, meteocontrol GmbH |
15:00-15:30 | Coffee Break |
15:30-17:00 | "Der Mix macht's - Intelligente Wärmeversorgung mit Sonne und Holz" by Michael Rieder, Eisenbeiß Solar AG |
"Autarke Energieversorgung einer Alpenhütte" by Michael Rieder, Eisenbeiß Solar AG |
"Raumpotenziale Erneuerbarer Energien - Wege zu einer neuen Standortplanung" Stephan Bosch, Universität Augsburg |
17:00-17:45 | IT4SE activities and services |
17:45 | Wrap-up and closing |
Workshop Summary
"IT4SE Project Introduction"
by Thomas Rist, IT4SE-Projekt/Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Rist introduced the IT4SE project and its main goals. He also spoke about possible cooperative projects with partners of the industry.
"Der Mix macht's - Intelligente Wärmeversorgung mit Sonne und Holz"
by Michael Rieder, Eisenbeiß Solar AG
Mr. Rieder spoke about developments and problems in the area of heating (oil price, drinking wate quality, ...). He showed historical developments of the heating systems of residential buildings and state of the art technology.
"Autarke Energieversorgung einer Alpenhütte"
by Michael Rieder, Eisenbeiß Solar AG
Mr. Rieder presented a concept for the generation of energy for an autarchic mountain hut in the alps. Main aims where to focus on the energy sources in the alpine environment as well as the environmental protection.
"Raumpotenziale Erneuerbarer Energien - Wege zu einer neuen Standortplanung"
by Stephan Bosch, Universität Augsburg
Mr. Bosch spoke about the a research project of the geo-informatics department of the University of Augsburg. The project aims to optimize the usage of renewable energy in germany.
"Mit Gebäudeautomation in bestehenden Gebäuden Energie sparen; Grundlagen und Realisierung"
by Christian Schoeller, contronics GmbH
This talk was about energy consumption in general, as well as about solutions to save energy by using automated building control systems like HomeMatic (e.g. for hotels, homes and schools).
"Europäische Forschungsprojekte im Schnittbereich IT und Energie"
by Steffen Wendzel, IT4SE-Projekt/Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
Mr. Wendzel spoke about different research projects in the topical area of computer science and renewable energy/energy awarenes (mostly projects funded by the 7th framework programme of the european union).